viernes, 9 de enero de 2009

segway golf product review

Is with two wheels and you cane carry your golf club too.

three strength:

1.! You cane just where one bag of clubs.
2.! It dosen't goes fast.
3.!  You have to have a radar.

three way to make better:
1.! Put more golf bags.
2.! Make go faster.   
3.! If you wont have to have a radar

macbook product reviews

This is a news computer in the apple family is the new version of the macbook air.

the outside of the laptop is with harder case and larger wireless.

three strengths:

1.! The wireless is longer .
2.! The keyboard is separate.
3.! Is apple.

abc won on the broadband categories

I like this page because it shows me the movies I want to see

1.! You cane see what you want .
2.! I tells you the best movies and series.
3.! and it has something that is call abc news 

apple won on best navigation

I like this page because helps me find this for my apple

1.! Helps me to get new programs for my apple.
2.! Shows me new stuffs for my laptop. 
3.! shows me the new laptop's and explains the advances.

jueves, 8 de enero de 2009

simpsons won on the movie and film

I saw that movie and I liked that's the kind of movie that I like.

1.! Is a funny movie.
2.! The characters are good.
3.! Maggie is the cool's one won on games-related

that is a awesome game and I am excited 'cause it won:

1.!I have that game 
2.! The song that rockband has are awesome 
3.! You cane play more than 3 instrument at the time won social networking

am glad that won. here are three reasons:

1.! You cane chat see photos and comment on them.
2.! You cane have videos on there.
3.! You cane fined some friends on that web that you haven't seen on years.

miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009


that video is awesome try it

In the first and the secound time didn't work but they tried more time and they gotted


is a cool video made by ken shelenber he work in antigraviti reacher